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Evaluation Request for investors Program

Immigration applicants who are interested for investors' program must have the following conditions:

- The applicant's belongings must be more than $800,000 Canadian which is approved by the known resources.

- Applicant must have at least 3 years of management experience in an institute which must be precede 10 years before application for Québec.

- Management experience must complain full-time occupation including programming, major control, resource and financial responsibilities. Any experience exclusively don to obtain a certificate or training are not acceptable as management experience.

-Applicant must agree and sign to invest an amount of $400,000 canadian , Or pay $120,000 canadian that this amount will be invested by permitted financial institutes , known companies or lawyers.

- Name application includes other aspects such as age, nature and period of training as well as personality and language learning ability.
Evaluation Request for investors Program

Please fill in the following spaces and click on submit button. Our staff will process your request and contact you shortly.

Personal Specifications
- Family Name at Birth:
- Name:
- Other Name that you have used or by which you are known by:
- Sex:
- Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD):
- Birth Place (Province - Region):
- Birth Place (Country):
- Citizenship:
- Present Marital Status:

Address Specifications
- Residence Address (number, street, app.):
- Postal Code:
- City/Province/Country:
- Phone no.  Home-Work (Please include the country code):
- Fax no. Home-Work (Please include the country code):
- Email Address  Home-Work:

Language Ability
- French:
      Understand Spoken:
      Ability to Speak:
- English:
      Understand Spoken:
      Ability to Speak:
- Education
- Education Highest Level:
- In what country did you obtain this diploma:
- What is the field of training related to this diploma:
- How many years ago did you obtain this diploma:

Work experience
- Do you have professional management experience?
If yes please provide the following details:
- Name of the Organization:
- Worked From (Mm/YYYY/DD):    to (Mm/YYYY/DD):
- Number of employees under your authority:
- Location (City-Province-Country):
- Type of Organization:
- Title/Position:
- Details on your role and duties within the Organization:
Please indicate the total value of your personal Net worth in Canadian dollars:
- Method of accumulation of personal Net worth ( business, investment, inheritance):

Relative in Canada
- Do you already have family in Canada?
- Have you ever traveled to Canada in the past 10 years?
- Number of trips to Canada?
- Province:
- Reason of visit:

Spouse Specifications - if applicable
- Present Marital Status:
- Family Name at Birth and Present Family Name:
- First Name:
- Sex:
- Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD):
- Place of Birth- Province-Region:
- Place of Birth- Country:
- Citizenship:
- Education- Highest Level:

Children Specifications
- Number of children
- Age from to
Does the following apply to you, your spouse or any of your children?
- Medical problem:
- if yes, please explain:
- Convicted of or charged with a crime or offence:
- if yes, please explain:
- Refused entry in Canada or any other Country:
- if yes, please explain:

- How did you learn about us?


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