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Why Choose Québec?

Canadian and Québec societies are known for their friendliness, cordiality, simplicity and an open mind characterized social relationships. Québecers place great importance on maintaining an atmosphere that promotes:

   -freedom of expression; 
   -equal rights; 
   -respect for differences.

These fundamental values of Québec society enjoy a consensus and guarantee everyone the right to freely choose their lifestyle, values, opinions and religion.

Québec’s economy is very prosper. This prospering is attributable to several factors such as industry sector diversification, the entrepreneurial spirit of its business people, research and development investments, and increased exports. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capital provides a measure of a society’s economic prosperity. Québec’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capital compares favorably to that of OECD member countries.

In addition, since the cost of living is relatively affordable, a person who earns an average salary manages to live well in Québec.
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